Hello and first of all thank you for your interest in Nathalie Iuso’s work!
Nathalie Iuso is a French Jewelry Designer, this website still under construction (including the English version).
For the time being, you can browse it only via the French pages, here is a small index:
- Ring: Bagues
- Earrings & Wrap earring: Boucles d’oreilles
- Necklaces, Long Necklaces & Pendants: Colliers, Sautoirs & Pendentifs
- Bracelets: Bracelets
- Accessories (hair bun jewellery, headpieces, hair-pic, brooches) : Accessoires
- Unique jewels, antique collections & exceptional jewelry : Inspiration
- Pressbook : Presse
- Set your stones: Sertir vos pierres
- Bespoke jewlery: Bijoux sur mesure
- Jewelry Sizes: Tailles des bijoux
- Exhibitions and fairs: Agenda
- Help: Aide & Précisions
- Conditions of Sale: CGV
- Subscribe to the Newsletter: S’inscrire à la Newsletter
- Contact us: Nous contacter
You may need to translate some sentences from French to English, we recommend you Deepl Translator, simple and trustworthy.

We thank you for your understanding!